
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Malicious Deviance -- NOW AVAILABLE

That's right!  Malicious Deviance is now available at  25 twisted tales from the perspective of bad, evil or just plain out disagreeable protagonists.  This book takes your average story of good vs. evil and flips it on its head.  If you are interested in reading these unique and strange stories of horror, you can purchase the book HERE

Here's the Table of Contents:

1. Taking Out the Trash by Philip Roberts
2. Red Turns to Green by Del James
3. Love Refinished by Jeff Kozzi
4. Bad for Business by Michelle D. Sonnier
5. Shotgun Shelter by Jason Sizemore
6. Better than God by Lancer Kind
7. Margery's Alternative Therapies by Tammi Pratt
8. Gossip Hounds of Sherry Town by James A. Sabata
9. Punishment by Travis Heermann
10. They Pissed on My Sofa by David A. Riley
11. Killing Klaas by Aaron Legler
12. Stalin's Coal Mine by Richard Marsden
13. Six Cases of Beaujolais by John C. Caruso
14. Death and Decay by Natalie L. Sin
15. The Howling of the Wolves by Eric Pinder
16. Urination and Degradation by Keith Gouveia
17. A Wife from Hell by Uri Grey
18. Sea Glass by Jacob A. Boyd
19. Pied Piper by Robert Walford
20. Rats and Rednecks by Rob Rosen
21. El Dentisto que Corta by Mike Norris
22. Goodnight, Francine by Stacy Longo
23. Nil by Barry Rosenberg
24. Mr. Banjo by Tonia Brown
25. The Nasty Club by Jeffery Scott Sims

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Lakatos Clan

Well, it looks like Sideshow Fables #3 is almost ready.  It's been quite a wait for this one, but I just received an email saying that it is almost done and will be available for kindle when it comes out.  It isn't going to be in print like the first two issues, and I'm note sure, but I think it will be available at when it goes live.  (I just noticed this web address has expired, but I imagine they're dealing with that since I just got the update email.)

I will be pleased to see my story of carnival craziness "The Lakatos Clan" published in this issue and hope that those of you wandering into my blog will check it out when I post the link.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

WIP -- Hell Awaits

My latest work in progress is now called Hell Awaits.  I wrote a post earlier about not looking at the word count any longer and I think it's working for me.  I have no clue what the word count is, but I'm on page 148, which makes me wonder if I have replaced the word count obsession with a new-found page number obsession.  I don't think so.  I don't pay all that much attention to the page number, at least not obsessively, and it seems that writing is based more on word count than anything else as far as length is considered.  There are some very large paragraphs in this WIP, which could account for a possible lengthy word count with fewer pages than something that is dialogue heavy.  But that goes without saying.

At any rate, Hell Awaits is coming along nicely, and I'm not sure where it's going.  And that's just fine with me.  I'm not a fan of plotting too far in advance.  I find it easier to take it as it comes and see where the characters go.  They really do have minds of their own, so it would do them a disservice if I acted too much like a puppet master.  They have a far better story to show that I can dream up anyway.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rusted Roots

My latest story "Rusted Roots" has been published in the current issue of the.gloaming magazine online.  It is available to read for free HERE.  The print zine will be available very soon.

What happens when you mix sci-fi with horror with tragedy?  You get "Rusted Roots," my dim look at the future where a government "bug" changes everything we once knew and cherished.  This story made me sad to write.  Perhaps more so than anything I've written before.
